The Hatchie River is 238 miles long.  Rising from Northern Mississippi and flowing through Southwestern Tennessee, the Hatchie is considered a geographic historical significance.  It is the only major river of West Tennessee that has not been altered or channelized by human activity.  Under the Tennessee Wild and Scenic River Act, the Hatchie is designated as a "Scenic River."

The Hatchie River is a special place to many outdoorsman in Tennesseee.  Flowing mostly through wetlands, the Cypress bottoms create a surreal and magnificent environment.  Rich with wildlife, the winding river boasts large numbers of exciting game fish to pursue.  Spotted Bass on the fly is the choice target.  With an explosive bite and tireless fight, they create an exciting day for any fly fisherman while experiencing the unique beauty of the Hatchie.

TYPICAL CATCH:  Depending on the time of year and water clarity, there is ample opportunity to catch good numbers of Spotted and Largemouth Bass on the fly while floating and enjoying the tranquility of the Hatchie River.

TYPE OF TRIP AVAILABLE:  Float trips while running a motor boat from one area to the next.

PRIMARY STYLE OF FISHING:  Six to eight weight rods recommended.  Working big streamers, popping big poppers and twitching jigs through the wood will create an exciting occasion for catching Hatchie Bass!